Middle aged woman suffering from Peri/menopause. Symptoms include, hair loss, daily bouts hormonally induced anxiety, depression, rage, brain fog, confusion, night sweats, insomnia, mania, vaginal atrophy, itching dry skin, parathesia, tinitus, vertigo, vitamin deficiency, muscle & joint pain, vision loss, burning eyes, constipation, diahrrea, aching breasts, stabbing pains, adenomyosis, endometrial polyps, exhaustion, Hot flashes, cold flashes. Can generally be seen in public with shirt dyed hair between the age of late 30-57 having a hormonal meltdown. The reason for this is because she is most likely undiagnosed and untreated due to the incompetence and systemic failure of health care systems.
That Karen screamed at me for something I think is insignificant and because I have no understanding of what she is suffering through I am just going to blame it on her as having a personal failing ad have no compassion for someone who is suffering through a horrendous medical condition that can last over twenty years, ten of which she will most likely be denied treatment for by ignorant doctors who don't understand women's health.