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(C.A.C.T.U.S.) an acronym for “Cops Are Class Traitors (in the) United States.”

Used in place of “ACAB” and can also be used as an insult for police, since it implies they’re pricks.

“I got pulled over for going seven MPH over the speed limit. Fucking CACTUS wrote me a ticket”

by KCHooligan January 27, 2024


(C.A.C.T.U.S.) an acronym for “Cops Are Class Traitors (in the) United States.”

Often used in place of calling police officers “pigs” and more covert than “ACAB”

“Just got pulled over by a CACTUS for doing seven MPH over the speed limit.”

“Can you believe that guy’s a cop now? What a CACTUS.”

by KCHooligan January 26, 2024


When a person is completely intoxicated, just before the point of passing out. Comes from the phrase, "more fucked-up than my checkbook".

Did you see Jeff last night? He was completely checkbooked.

by KCHooligan May 12, 2009


An acronym for “Cops Are Class Traitors (in the) United States.” Can also be used in place of A.C.A.B. or used as a substitution for calling police officers “pigs” or “the fuzz,” etc.

1: “Did you hear about the police chief got caught embezzling money?”
“Yeah. C.A.C.T.U.S.”

2: I got stopped by a C.A.C.T.U.S. this morning on my way to work. Asshole wrote me a ticket.

by KCHooligan May 24, 2024


Sexting, Phone Sex, Cybersex, sending dirty pictures, or any form of sexual expression facilitated by modern technology.

My girlfriend lives 450 miles away, so we're mostly limited to telecoitus.

by KCHooligan May 31, 2013