Source Code

play no games

someone who don't mess around

Boy, don't u know i dont play no games!!!

by KILLA March 16, 2003

24πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

cock smell

someone that smells like an unclean cock

man go shower you fucking cocksmell

by KILLA September 11, 2003

29πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

God Damn Motherfucking Shitty Fucking Shit Fuckers

expression indicating extreme anger and/or
pain. see motherfucker

jayquan: yo nice kicks
shawn: thanx
jayquan: watch out for that pile of nasty shit!!......
shawn: what? aw, god damn motherfucking shitty fucking shit fuckers! i just bought these!!

by KILLA March 3, 2005

8140πŸ‘ 6136πŸ‘Ž

Perry County

Home of a variety of individuals. Some may include those who talk about tractors or ect. Stop being stereotypical of this region! It's sickening!

Closed-minded people assume too much.

by KILLA February 28, 2005

33πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


when something is better than excellent

that was a sexcellent party
shippensburg is sexcellent

by KILLA October 10, 2003

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


people who are related by there faeces.

"matts my dumpfriend"

by KILLA January 23, 2004

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Dulaney High School

Also known as "Druglaney", Dulaney is a large high school in baltimore county known for its lacrosse and soccer teams. Also the location where kids go to once kicked out of one of the many neighboring private schools. Large diversity of students including the very wealthy to very ghetto. Although there is no uniform, Ralph Laurens Polo clothing line is highly worn (no popped collars) and khakis of all colors. The guys hair style of choice is long shaggy and unkempt (not gelled). Guys drive any kind of jeep, possibly lifted and covered with mud, while the girls drive volkswagons with atleast one roxy sticker on the back. At parties, Dulaney kids are known for the following. Vulgar chants, stealing and/or wrecking the owners posessions and turfing lawns. Approximately 68% of students will eventually become an alchoholic or develope a drug addiction before their freshman year of college.

Baltimore County

by KILLA April 20, 2005

160πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž