Person 1: Whos joe?
Person 2: JOE MAMA
If you dare ask me a question like this i will snap your toes and feed you your eardrums
To show the expresion that you are speechless and cannot think of another word to say for 32 whole minutes
Guy 1:you so broke you mo broke den yo granny neck
Guy 2: I-
The new soul shattering insult created by someone with a force so evil he could destroy nyc to 3 bits.
Kid:Hi u play fortnit i wana plai wit u
Guy: No blerp nugget go home and drink your mommy's breast milk
Kid: Fine >:3
Numbers from that one song called: Homage
Someone wrote this song before and i can tell you where its from the 4726251 to put my mind at ease or somethin like that