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The absolute best game ever to play...........SIKE its considered a very amazing sport and I agree it is but it is not the best sport, Football overall in America at least is the best sport to eat h no some people may not love playing it so they choose something "a little less rough" LOL some of these sports including Basketball,baseball(who h can be dangerous), Hockey,soccer and tennis. That concludes my opinion piece.

"Omg basketball is boring let's watch the Texans" "how about.you play basketball and see if its boring"

by KK_KENT_91797 November 4, 2019


Jayden is the #1 kind of person you need for a best friend. He will make you laugh cheer you up when your sad, even give you presents out of no were. He knows exactly what's wrong with you even if you don't say anything. Jayden will always be the one who has your back, no matter what comes your way. If you have a Jayden keep him/her and NEVER LET GO

"Jayden said he wants to be friends"

" OMG really I've been wanting to be true.ds with him since 4th grade"

by KK_KENT_91797 November 4, 2019


When your hunting or you just have a very redneck family or friend when they say what's the count on your buck,meaning how many points of the antlers does it have and you would say any where from 2,4,6,8,10,12 and sometime odd numbers.

EX: "what's the count john"

John: "8 point"

by KK_KENT_91797 November 4, 2019


Hunting a sport,Yes a sport I know crazy huh. Hunting is when ever you hunt a animal and kill it for food and if you kill it for something else and don't eat it than you may get reported to a game warden and get in trouble but the most coming thing to hunt is deer and ducks but let me list the others pigs, birds, squirrels, pig, rabbits, racoon and skunk. The weapons you can hunt with are knifes, pistols, pistol and a bow and arrow have fun opening season this year was November 1st. Make sure you have your tags.

" Hey bobby lets go hunting this weekend"

"Sure johnny get us a 6 point and eat the back strap"

by KK_KENT_91797 November 4, 2019

7👍 2👎