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A clothing line made by the graffiti artist "Marc Ecko". They have some good clothes and are not just for wiggers. Many ecko clothes are graffiti influinced and don't just say "look at me I'm from the ghetto because I bought this shirt"

Marc Ecko is also the culprit of writing the game "Getting up, Contents Under Pressure" which has influenced a generation of "Train Oners" That the avarage graffiti artist hates as they have no foreknowledge to graffiti and go writing the same thing on their suburb mailboxes with sharpies. Marc Ecko is also one of the few sell out graffiti artists.

Guy 1 "Hey man look at my new ecko shirt, am I ghetto material yet?"
Guy 2 "Shut up man, stop being such a tool"

Person 1 "Werd, Im loving this ecko shirt"
Person 2 "Yeah it's dope.

Toy 1 "ZOMG let's go bomb our school with sharpies, and write TRANEONER just like in "Getting Up""
Toy 2 "Yeah that'll show how rebellious we are"

by KOSR! TNS December 8, 2006

72👍 47👎


Soccer IS the most popular sport in the world, but In the USA and Canada it is one of the most hated. From the definitions I have read about soccer, people are stereotyping about how people stereotype about soccer. Yes It does take skill, but so does American football, soccer is looked as a pussy sport because there is little contact, and more dives than olympic diving teams. People say you have to run for ever and no football player could ever do that, when they do that for training all the time.

Soccer DOES take skill, but it takes less brawl, and brawl is more attractive to the USA and Canadian citizens, it also is not the sport with the most skill, if anything, paintball/airsoft has the most skill (shooting, running, adjusting to the wind to aim, jumping, dodging, shoulder rolls, conserving ammo, and many more, but thats not this topic)

And I am NOT unfit or fat, I am as a matter of fact in very good athletic shape, I am also not a football or soccer player.

What soccer players think all football players are like,
football guy: Hey soccer sucks I am fat and make fun of soccer because I have no life.

What they are REALLY like
football guy: I hate soccer players, they always wine about us not liking them.

What football players think soccer players are like
soccer guy: I am homosexual, skinny, and would loose in a fight againts my 3 year old sister

What soccer players are actually like
soccer guy: Football players think they are so great just because they can hit people and bench this and do stronger stuff, but they have no skill whatso ever.

by KOSR! TNS November 26, 2006

55👍 64👎