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Basically the best decade ever. I could be here for awhile listing reasons but here we go. One: Economy. It doesn't even come close to the shit hole of an economy we have today. Clinton was 1,000,000 times better than Bush (who is part of the reason we're in the shitter. Everyone was happy and having a good time. Second, overall media was better: tv, music, etc. Rap had true meaning and wasn't nearly as bad as the garbage today. The beats were original and they rapped about other things than getting money, fucking bitches, and getting ass-raped (that one was a joke but probably is happening.) Rock was awesome and it was actually a time where it was acceptable to like both rap and rock (because both were sick.) In fact, I have nothing to compare rock to because I don't even think they make it anymore. All the music today is auto-tune shit (because it actually doesn't take a good voice to become a singer anymore.) It gets worse and worse every year. TV sucks. What happened to those good 90's cartoons? There were replaced with shit like Hannah Montana and iCarly, in which case every episode is about boyfriend troubles. What happened to MTV? It's all fucking reality tv shows. I don't think anyone can pay enough to sit down and watch The Jersey Shore. Life is so centered around technology that people have almost become dependent. That is what will happen in the future if this keeps up. People can't go 1 second without their facebook, twitter, blackberry, you name it.


by KQ92 January 13, 2010

550👍 130👎