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skreet skrape

A derogatory term used for the act of rape on a woman out in public. This is about as urban a term as there is. However, it does sound very pleasant when used with alliteration, like in the example below.

Yo man, you see dat bitch there? Imma straight up skreet skrape that shit son.

by Kai as a Kite September 6, 2007

2👍 7👎


An acronym for one of the greatest philosophical questions ever asked. What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar? Considering Jesus lived in a fairly warm environment, and everyone enjoys the taste of a Klondike Bar, it is assumed he would do anything for one. However, not ever tasting one before, it is impossible to conjecture whether he would find a Klondike Bar delicious. No one will ever know.

Tom: Well now that I have my degree from Harvard, I can pretty much say I know everything.
Hater: Really? Well let me ask you this: WWJDFAKB?
Tom: Uhh...

by Kai as a Kite September 6, 2007

161👍 20👎