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Fuck means rich

Girl: Do you want fuck

Man: yes I want to fuck

by Kaka v420 May 1, 2022


A son of a bitch that is fatherless and living in the highway where crashes happen and he is motherfuckin bitch that is shit on yt and a ugly mother fucker

Man1: do u know frostfox

Man2: yes he is fatherless

by Kaka v420 May 1, 2022

The rock

A massive boulder that is living and its strong

Sussybaka69: say the rock but replace r with c

Footlicker69: ok, The cock

*the rock kills sussybaka69

Footlicker69: imma get the milk peace

by Kaka v420 May 8, 2022

rock johnson

he losed cuz of comander brown of a eyebrow raise chaleenge

rock johnson is epok

by Kaka v420 April 23, 2022