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noun - a lump of sputum (as in phelgm) coughed (or, onomatopoeically, "hawked") up from the lungs. "loogie" is a portmanteau word, or alteration and combination, of "lung cookie."

Excuse me; I gotta hawk up a loogie or two, lest I get pneumonia.

by Kaptain Amerika May 23, 2007

294👍 121👎


noun - a lump of sputum (as in phelgm) coughed (or, onomatopoeically, "hawked") up from the lungs. "loogie" is a mash-up, or alteration and combination, of "lung cookie."

Excuse me; I gotta hawk up a loogie or two, lest I get pneumonia.

by Kaptain Amerika April 18, 2007

16👍 31👎


Chiefly Southern U.S. var of haunt, originally, but the meaning has since morephed to mean more than a ghost. It can also mean a scary bitch or mean person, usually a woman.

I tried to kill her with kindness, but that haint is just full up with meanness.

by Kaptain Amerika November 3, 2004

343👍 154👎