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Salton Sewer

California's largest man made ecological disaster that happed in the early 1900's when water flowed into the dry basin unchecked for two years. Raw sewage from the Mexico side and nitrogen rich Ag runoff now flow into the sea unchecked on both US sides. Now famous for its fish dies offs the produce a rotten egg sulfur smell that on some days can waft as far away as Palm Springs. Hundreds of birds also die of botulism during the summer also. Moronic politicians and environmental organizations keep pushing to save the Salton Sea at the cost of billions of dollars to the tax payer; while at the same time wasting Colorado River water to keep in full.

Hey man want to go fishing at the Salton Sea? Huh you mean the Salton Sewer I would not eat anything out of the over flowing septic tank.

by Karen Gilmore September 15, 2007

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