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The pairing name for the characters Noel Covington and Casey McDonald from the tv show Life with Derek.

Honestly I LOVE IT. I've loved it from the beginning. Noel makes Casey a better person, really... like a stronger, happier and deeper individual. Unfortunately Casey prefers being 'cool' though, which she has lost my respect over. Call me delusional but I think Casey did/does like Noel back but is just clueless about her feelings as she is about his.

It seems as though the writers were heading in the direction of Nasey towards the end of season 3, but somehow changed their minds. They probably felt that Noel and Casey being together would be boring, because they are too perfect for each other. In their opinion, in order to keep their audience entertained, they would need another crappy love interest for Casey (aka Truman). In my opinion, that was a stupid move. Casey and Truman have no interest in each other beyond appearances, just like Max and Casey.

by Karen R. A. November 3, 2008

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