is when you ram a paper towel tube up a girl's asshole and drive micro-machines in there.
***it is direct reference to the large engineering project undertook in europe to link France and England through an underwater three-tunnel railway***
friend:what happened to all your micro-machines man?
chunnler: oh those crazy cars is gone man i did the english chunnel to my girl.
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As opposed to taking the time to do something by the numbers or per the provided instructions, you throw out the plan and proceed directly to step two. In other words, fuck it.
Chris saw that he was short on time as well as patience when he came up to the jump, and needed to catch up. So he said he was going to step two and said fuck it and goosed the throttle and got into the air.
A word that can replace any other word, regardless of the part of speech (ie as in the word "Smurf").
I dunched that bitch ass ho in her dunch.
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adjective: peached
(of a task requiring little skill) carried out badly, carelessly or just plain sloppy. Particularly in the realm of off road motor sports. The past tense of this adjective is especially solidified when the participant cries about it not being their fault, when it definitely was.
"Did you see how he cased it after that baby launch ramp? You really peached that up!â
The extracted fecal matter when 'milked' from a penis that has engaged in either anal penetrative sex or when consummating the creation of an Alabama Hot Pocket. It is actually the cumulative mixture of semen, fecal matter and whatever other gelatinous material that is in the cavity as it is congealed and infiltrates the urethra of the male member's penis during said activities. It will sometimes flow out into a pile of coiled poop linguine, hence noodle as to be inclusive of all noodle types of all cultures and types of persons.
That faggot just pulled his dick out and squeezed out a perfectly formed poop noodle on Matt Lieber's ass neck.
Taking a nice hard stab with a flesh machete into 200 lbs of healthy guts and going around the world with it. Repeatedly. Sometimes at work. Mostly because itâs convenient. We call it stirring paint because of the sound, mostly. And because itâs typically messy, especially when you pull the stirrer out.
I heard it again. Theyâre stirring paint in the mop closet. Again. Shameless. I wonder if it was Sherman Williams, or the cheap Sears shit.
1. to take down a huge hand in poker (i.e. winning a hand by a landslide, a full house vs. one pair.)
2. to make girls cream their panties once they set eyes on a person of the oppsite sex
1. He wolfed that pot, now he's sitting high with a boatload of chips.
2. You see Jaime wolf when she took a gander at Dick's huge cock.
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