Taking a nice hard stab with a flesh machete into 200 lbs of healthy guts and going around the world with it. Repeatedly. Sometimes at work. Mostly because itâs convenient. We call it stirring paint because of the sound, mostly. And because itâs typically messy, especially when you pull the stirrer out.
I heard it again. Theyâre stirring paint in the mop closet. Again. Shameless. I wonder if it was Sherman Williams, or the cheap Sears shit.
Perma-Closeted Christian Gay: Not that there is anything wrong with that. PCCG is a term used to identify a gay man, who is in the closet, permanently. And perpetrates a Christian ideology, but in the back of his mind he is bottom and a half, getting tooled out by a unfriendly bear. A PCCG is often found felt shamed and guilty for his carnal pleasures that are stowed away deep in his proverbial closet.
Tyler hip checked that PCCG this morning at work, I swear he busted chub then ran off to cleanse his pipes.
The flat horizontal portion of an European, Eastern European and Middle Eastern style commode, which function is to provide a surface in which fecal matter has a place to rest. This is so the distributor of said feces can inspect the item to gain insight on the health of his, her, they, them or otherwise's internal organs and fecal matter produciton efficiency.
I sure am thankful that these restrooms have a sufficient 'inspection shelf' for me to lay my log upon. If they didn't, I wouldn't have been able to determine that I did eat that much corn last night. I surely don't recall consuming that much.
The sound and or proposition of a homosexual Russian to obtain a mouthful of cock so as the gag reflex is actually muffled by the breadth and depth of the intruding cock.
It is TK day again, You know that boner is back in his CHU waiting for his roommate ....OTTT...Giddens
Giving another person or sometimes and inanimate object an extra intimate hug. And when you do, you straddle the target area with one or more leg so that your dick region, or where a pen15 object may grow or where one used to grow, or where you want to grow one, physically rubs up against your significant item. It is literally the opposite of a one arm- ass-out hug, and it is also meant to be the exact opposite. You want your sausage in their pocket, and you want them to know it is there, and you care.
I hadn't seen Stu in years, and I missed him. So, I went in for a loving dick lean. And to my surprise and joy, he dick leaned me back! We just stood their and leaned in some more.
The most notorious move in all of Russian wrestling. Usually performed when one wrestler is on top of the other in a rear mount. Only the most skilled wrestler has even the slightest chance of escape. Once the maneuver has been successfully executed, the victor may stand up and cheer CREAM CHEESE !! Usually the crowd will as well.
Nickolai Volkoff had the Iron Sheik face down on the mat, with one boot on his spine. He stood up an shouted CREAM CHEESE ! Then he made the Shiek submit after performing the Russian Pretzel Lock.
When an action does not take effect during a potential period of time, it is rolled off to the next more optimal window of opportunity. This is not a function of statistical probability, it is simply the way things are and cannot be explained by logic or mathematical analysis; it just happens that way.
That smarty pants tried to explain with a rationale of probability that day shift didnât receive a call, and that this had zero impact on night shift getting call. You would think he had heard of the Rule of Roelofs. Apparently not.