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Satanic Magick

Usage of societal norms and expected thought structures or mental models of individuals to confuse, entire, educate, or solve the emotional woes of individuals through interpersonal psychological interaction and manipulation.

A proof of competence and experience in a field, profession, or social group.

Only an idiot would understand it.

"No one ever speaks about Satanic Magick, only movie magic!"
"And I bet you think all white women have blond hair and black women wear hoop ear rings, huh?"
Satan wins again!

by KarmaLog July 4, 2018

Boy's Butt

A Satanic Magick trick used against naive women to induce "Gender Dysphoric Disorder."

"Tina, you think you're sooo hot, but you know what everyone else is too afraid to tell you? You have a BOY'S BUTT!"

by KarmaLog July 3, 2018

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An action, event, or work that, in it's totality, elicits the facial or emotional response of "awe" from the viewer.
Astonishment at the grandiosity or quality of the entity, not "aw" at it's cute face.
A compliment.

This version of the spelling avoids confusion by learners of the language one might encounter when considering the juxtaposition of "awesome," or "awe at something."

"That show was awesum!"

by KarmaLog July 17, 2018


A female dog used by the Amish for breeding purposes.
A woman who is seen by her man or female peers as a "walking chemistry set"
A male who uses a woman for the aforementioned, and realizes not his impact on the children he creates.

"Man, shit you not, she's such a bitch."
"You too, huh? Man, my bitch just won't stop."

by KarmaLog July 26, 2018

Hit Me Up

To "hit someone up," to contact them, often by a telephone to talk or make plans.

"Hit me up later!"
"Will do!"

by KarmaLog August 1, 2018

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cam whore

Someone who spends a great deal of time observing cammers, finding it extremely difficult to pick a select view to observe and develop intimate, personal relationships with.

"Dude, I love this site, I'm such a cam whore, I can't decide which one to watch!"

by KarmaLog June 29, 2018


A farming implement used by agriculturalists to move soil to prep them for the planting of seed.
In the ghetto, "A woman who accepts all man's seed."

"You know what you need, Jared?"
"What Billy?"
"A hoe!"
Satan wins.

by KarmaLog July 4, 2018

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