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2021 is the better version of 2020

Bro fuck 2020 2021 is much better now

by KassWritesDefinitions June 11, 2021

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Quandledingle is a name my brother calls his friend. He is also part of a group called the Quandledingle Dick Suckers.

I ask my brother how I could join The Quandledingle Dick Suckers. He told me to join The Quandledingle Dick Suckers I'd need to suck a dick first so I said that shouldn't be hard. I was then like ayo what when did you and your friends suck a dick then and he told me they made the group so they didn't have to only new members have to.

by KassWritesDefinitions February 26, 2023


Someone who is probably full of themselves

Hey have you heard about this new famous person.

by KassWritesDefinitions March 3, 2021

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Cum dumpster

Cum dumpster is my best friends way of saying suck my dick without anyone hearing him but me.

My best friend: Oh I messed this up cum dumpster.

Me: Yeah glock glock 3000.

My best friend: 21 inches suck it.

Me: Fuck you.

by KassWritesDefinitions November 19, 2021


A Nick name for Megan Fox

Send me more pictures of Megnussy Pls

by KassWritesDefinitions December 24, 2023


The people you go to school with

Boy: I really like this girl named Emily
Boy 2: well I heard she's a bit stupid
Boy: oh okay never mind then

by KassWritesDefinitions June 14, 2021

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People say it is used as snap back on snapchat but I say that it is used in real life as stupid bitch.

My best friend: *Starts running away*
Me: oh no you don't!
My best friend: Oh yes I do!
Me: get back here you sb!
My best friend: what does that mean?
Me: you stupid bitch!
My best friend: Okay good!
Me: Why good?
My best friend: you are now the sb for telling me haha!
Me: Oh why you little sb I will so be getting you back for this one!

by KassWritesDefinitions February 6, 2022

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