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Adding, "eh?" to the end so that the phrase becomes the Canadian version. "What the fuck, eh?" or abbreviated to WTFE.

That driver just flipped me the bird for stopping at a red light... WTFE?

by Kathy G. June 22, 2007

62👍 81👎


Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

After hearing the same lame excuse over and over again about why the university student couldn't bring their books back on time and why they shouldn't have to pay overdue fines, the librarian wrote "L.L.P.F." in the student's library account so that the other staff wouldn't excuse any more overdue fines.

by Kathy G. June 23, 2009

26👍 5👎


Acronym: "total fucking toddler"

When an adult has a toddler sized meltdown and throws an epic temper tantrum.

I can't believe Myron yelled and screamed and threw that coffee cup across the table during the morning meeting. For someone in his 40s, he is acting like a "tft".

by Kathy G. September 12, 2011

41👍 42👎


"fuckers, fuckers everywhere"

I went to work in a good mood, but my day soured because there were FFE.

by Kathy G. June 4, 2009

43👍 33👎


Silent Chuckle. When something is funny, but not so funny to deserver an lol or a rofl... but the situation is amusing enough to make you chuckle silently to yourself.

The joke Tam told me caused me to sc.

by Kathy G. June 22, 2007

280👍 216👎


"Waaah Fucking Waaah" - Used to tell someone to quit whining.

I spent the afternoon listening to this guy complain about everything trivial under the sun. Inside my head I kept yelling: WFW!

by Kathy G. June 3, 2009

63👍 32👎