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"A nation of racism towards England.
I have visited and lived in Scotland, so I know what I'm talking about.
They are obsessed with The Broons and Oor Wullie.
Like to wear kilts with nowt underneath them so they can expose their 2 inch penises.Kilted Klowns In Scotland"
Fuck Off! Well I am Scottish and I know that's naw true and I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!

"People who have back grounds and ancesters who are Scottish" I'm sorry but as someone who was born in and still lives in Scotland, I would say that people who are Scottish are only people who were actually BORN here. Other people can say that their ancestors were scottish.......but that doesn't make them scottish.

To be Scottish, you must be able to agree to both of these:

1. Born in Scotland
2. Lived in Scotland

There are different dialects of accents in Scotland. On the West Coast, our accent has been influenced by irish settlers yeeeeeeeeeeeears ago. We say words like "Aye .... naw .... wit ..... aye right ..... eejit ..... pure .... nae bother .... dae ..... hing ......... hingmay ..."and usually miss out the 'g' at the end of -ing words "daein' ....... talkin' .....drivin' ...... eatin'"

Main football teams are Celtic and Ranger. Celtic supporters are known as Tims and Rangers are Huns.

I was born in Glasgow and brought up here in Scotland and have a scottish accent......therefore I am Scottish!

by Kayleigh88 November 19, 2005

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