Someone who is not necessarily mean or stupid but very self centered, to a point where they greatly lack common sense and butt heads with others.
Jack: Did you see how Kaleb took the car just so he could go drink
Adam: What a jackass!
1.) Show made for young girls to watch
2.) Show made for teenage boys to sexually fantasize about
1.) Little girl: Yay! Totally spies is on!
2.) "Uhuhuhuh. Hey Beavis?"
"Did you see that hot blond chick in totally spies or flies or whatever? She's SOOOO hot!"
"Booooiiiiiing! I wanna score with her!!"
"Uhuhuhuh. You said score!"
*Both laugh and eat nachos
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A ladies man is someone who likes girls and has a lot of friends who just so happen to be girls. Typically, a ladies man is supposed to be someone who's attractive, smooth and masculine (though can be a little flamboyant).
However, a ladies man is far different than a womanizer (meaning player). A womanizer will lie to get a girl's attention; A ladies man will be totally honest; A womanizer doesn't respect women; A ladies man loves women, but shows them respect and is generally good to them.
Friend: "Dude, 4 girls just said hi to you in a row! They're still giggling"
Guy: "What can I say? I'm a ladies man!"
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The female equivalent of a womanizer. A girl who pretends to love men and mean it but really she just wants them for her own selfish purposes and will say anything they can to make sure they sound bad. See Taylor Swift
Guy #1: Did Taylor Swift break up with her boyfriend again?!?
Guy #2: Yeah. She also just released a song potraying HIM as the bad guy and is telling everybody that it was HIS fault, which anyone with half a brain wouldn't believe.
Guy #1: What a manizer!
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