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A collection of phenotypically similar ethnic groups that likely have a similar or related language and culture. Typically these groups have lived close to eachother for thousands of years and have formed a common pan-ethnicity we call race. The social purpose of race is to group similar peoples so that they may form a exclusive group culture to defend it from foreign groups who may want to spread there own ways of being rather than assimilate. Thus they weaponize it as a means of group preservation. For instance muslim groups in europe tend to form ethnic enclaves as a method of self protection and a strategy for spreading islam. Effectively all that race / racism is used for is preservation of the nation state since countries are derived from there people. Something kind of similar to this would be the Irish despite mostly speaking english coming together on the basis of culture and ethnicity to re-establish sovereign rule over there homeland from invaders. Some example of races include: white/european race, black/(subsaharan)africans, semites(arabs, jews, ethiopians, berbers), east asians/asians (chinese, japanese, mongolian, korean, vietnamese, etc), indoiranians, iranians to indians ig, oceanians(various islander groups in the pacific which could be classified as east asians in some cases with the exception of aboriginals whom have a distinct phenotype. , amerindians / native americans, mixed race(any person that falls into more than one of these groups at a time.

Liberal: Race is a social construct. Me: well somewhat there are biological elements as well.

by Keltois July 24, 2023


A term used by the mentally ill to get oppression points and to say they gain sexual attraction from being closely bonded with someone which is really just being a normal person and not a hoe.

Woman: I am a sagattarius and demisexual ooh look out special and unique i am. Man: women 🙄☕️

by Keltois July 24, 2023