Source Code

deja vu

Déjà vu is the really odd feeling you get when you see something happen the exact same way twice, or when you have done the exact same action before, and are doing it again. Usually the basis is completely improbable, like the other side of your mind is insisting that you could not have possibly seen the thing before.

Déjà vu is also a very kickass J-Pop song by Dave Rodgers.

When I held the sniper rifle in my hand for the first time, it felt like I'd been practicing with it forever. Such déjà vu.

by Kenthar March 11, 2004

58👍 57👎


Either a misspelling of wunderbar, a generic German cheer, or wonderbra, a bra of mystery and...more mystery.

ETPlayer: Wunderbar!
L337D00D: Wonderbra!
AznSk8rBoy: RTFM!

by Kenthar March 21, 2004

8👍 11👎


The apparently obvious (but nonexistant) closing of the "word" HTML tag.

For idiots only, like that one guy that wrote a definition for wingman

by Kenthar February 13, 2004

1👍 13👎

Eternal Ferret

The statement that this Eternal Ferret, who does not have his own web dominion, has bested our lord limecat is nothing but heresy.

The battle was caught on video tape. The ferret was immediately distracted by something shiny, as they often are. Limecat swiped, and it was all over in an instant.

Eternal Ferret is dead. Long live Limecat!

by Kenthar February 10, 2004

72👍 15👎

The Meatrix

No one can tell you what The Meatrix is. You must see it for yourself.

If you are still interested... www.themeatrix.com

by Kenthar February 15, 2004

10👍 5👎


Verb: to drink something and have it come out your nose because you're laughing so hard.

I told her a funny joke while she was drinking a soda and she snorked. Then I killed her for wasting good soda, and licked it up off the ground.

by Kenthar October 31, 2003

166👍 80👎


Sometimes used in forums or messageboards to refer to the post above.

Lol dat's funnah!!!!11!!!111oneone!1

by Kenthar July 23, 2003

528👍 174👎