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The abbreviation for the "Laughing Crying Emoji"
Not a lot of pc-based websites have emojis (ex: YouTube) so use "LCE" when there is a lack of emoji choice on your computer.
Unlike the smartphone emoji, there is no reason to have 3 LCEs in a row. 1 LCE at the end of of a sentence is good enough.

YouTube comments section
Derek: Anyone want to hear a joke? Donald Trump
Bob: Oh man that is hilarious LCE

by Kentucky Fried Trump June 25, 2016

1👍 2👎


A pun is a clever use of words that usually makes the listener, or rather, victim, do one or several of the following:
Face palm
Roll eyes
Pretend to ignore
Die inside.
Puns in their most common form are very simple to make, and take almost no amount of intelligence to understand; Orange you glad you're reading this?

Puns of this form are the funniest.
A person who makes good puns is considered "Punny".
The making of puns is a very prestigious but often unappreciated art.

Forests are full of wood.
People use wood to make chairs.
Chairs are for-rest.

Maybe I should leaf the internet

*Points at fish habitat*
I went to the tattoo parlor the other day, and the guy inside asked me: Would you like to hab-i-tat?

*Gets out of car*
That was a wheel-y tire-ing day.

*During a Storm*
Woah, look at the wind doe, through the window.

Anne Frankly, I did nazi that coming. Did jew?
"Did Jew" was the neinth pun in these examples.
You're ruining my concentration. Camp you quiet down?
Well, I gas I could.
Auschwitz one was the best? Israeli hard to choose.

by Kentucky Fried Trump April 9, 2016

44👍 9👎