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Fucking neek

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018

Neil the Broken yute

Bare safe sorry

Oh shit it’s neil the Broken yute

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018

Dirty twig

Fucking neek who this he’s bench and can’t move his neck muscles but he’s the gayest person and can even turn a mobile company into a gay conversation

Dirty twig Oh look there’s yh fucking gay twig coming

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018

Nit bag neil

The most Brocken kid you’ll meet he’s so clapped and thinks he’s clever he hasn’t had a shower in weeks and never takes his gay jacket iff

Oh shit there’s nit bag Neil getting plowed by spendogs

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018


The dog who survived a 3 day swim from Latvia on big rays back and sustained no injures

Timo the dog

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018

7👍 4👎

Oscar the man

Safe opp boy feds at yard so allowing the beef safe g

Safe Oscar the man

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018


The pedo who’s currently jizzing in my history book

Spendogs is a fucking lad

by Kenzie the opp October 12, 2018

1👍 4👎