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One who adheres to or promotes various far-left causes simply because they are currently popular views, not because the individual believes or even understands them.

Ignore her, she's just typical pop-left.

by Kettlebell 78 February 27, 2018


Once a term denoting racist beliefs, it has been taken by the Democratic party to mean anything or anyone not sharing Democratic party beliefs. It's basically a meaningless insult.

CNN called Republicans Supremacists today.

by Kettlebell 78 January 19, 2021

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Alyssa milano syndrome

A common affliction among Western females, AMS occurs when a female is used to getting treated like a spoiled celebrity by her beta male "allies" and begins to actually believe she is in fact a celebrity herself.

Men don't waste money and attention on a girl with Alyssa Milano Syndrome

by Kettlebell 78 December 24, 2018

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Peggy get lucky

A male feminist who is obsessed with fictional female characters and has fantasies of being dominated and pegged by spiteful and aggressive females.

The captain marvel fan base is largely radfems and Peggy get lucky's.

by Kettlebell 78 March 12, 2019

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Dick-Pic scam

Someone online claims to be a female who received an unwanted inappropriate picture and laments how awful men are which results in simps offering money and gifts to show how "good" they are.

Watch out for the Dick-pic scam as we get closer to the holidays.

by Kettlebell 78 November 5, 2018


The language of identity politics, whining about fake oppression, always playing the victim in all situations.

The left only speaks the victimese language.

by Kettlebell 78 June 15, 2019


A BMW is simply a bored, millennial, white person. The type behind every protest and disturbance for "social justice" all because they have no life.

She is the type of BMW you don't want.

by Kettlebell 78 August 3, 2019

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