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g pill

A small gelatine pill size 00 that dissolves in water but not when you put the drug GHB or GBL in it. Therefore it allows you to take a drug that is usually disgusting without having to taste it. This size is 1ml which is half a dose and allows you to control it much better and avoid overdose.

The pills are available to fill up with vitamins.

Give us a g pill would ya.

by Kevin aka patsy October 26, 2006

24👍 12👎


Straight when dry, bent when wet. aka Straight when sober, gay when drunk

Oh Tom's a spaghetti is he..

by Kevin aka patsy May 21, 2014

110👍 58👎

g hole

When someone has taken too much of a drug Ghb and it makes them sleep (go on concious)
They normally go in and out of consciousness and its this that is them going into a g hole. Probably derived from K hole.

Oh hes not dead hes just in a g hole ;)

by Kevin aka patsy October 26, 2006

35👍 61👎