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Words like qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, ytrewq, aswqdfreghytjkiulpo,

boredom is boring, yet fascinating when including keyboards...

by KevinTyper November 8, 2022


You go outwards with boredom and keyboards

Help! polimuytrewq is killing me!

by KevinTyper November 8, 2022


You might be losing your marbles so much that you and the keyboard would explode of boredom and anger when you type from 2 side oppositely up to the top-right corner

Kevin : i did mqlwpeorituy, now i don't exist, so i am a ghost.

Kassie: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! a ghost!

Kevin: Relax, It's just me.

by KevinTyper November 8, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


opposite of qmwleprotiyu, but not the opposite of boredom...

Kevin: Not shopping, so boring!

Mom: (Not Listening) So, do you want qmanzbxvc, or qmwleprotiyu?

Boredom Guy: Coming up next, mqnabzvxc!

by KevinTyper November 8, 2022

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a word so boring with a boredom level past qmwleprotiyu, mqlwpeorituy, and polimuytrewq.

Kevin: so bored... i just did plomiuytrewq, and now even TRUE god can't produce any more lives for me.

by KevinTyper November 8, 2022


your death is your butt face qmwleprotiyuanskdjfhgzbxvc

Kevin: .........qmwleprotiyuanskdjfhgzbxvc

Tony: Noooooooooooo

A word that kills you .

RIP Kevin Ciulei: Mid 2014- Late 2023

by KevinTyper October 1, 2023


a word where you get so bored you start typing from 2 sides up to the top-right corner.

Kevin: I got so unbelievably bored i typed in qmwleprotiyu

Kassie: OMG how will i ever cure you?

by KevinTyper November 1, 2022