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Crackhead strength

The genre of strength that can be displayed by crackheads, usually in fits of rage and/or at the comedown of a high. This strength is rarely known as the victims of such force are usually killed or crackheads themselves. It is best exemplified by the grip of a crackhead, and those on the business end feel instantly helpless, both from the power exerted and the determined look in the crackheads eyes

"Did you see the way that bum was clenching his fists?"
"Ya man I bet hes got mad crackhead strength"

by Kid Gruesome June 3, 2009

42👍 2👎


Whataboutism- a made up word used to try to excuse democrats for any-and-everything negative that they have done in an attempt not to take any responsibility for their blatant hypocrisy while simultaneously attack their political opponents for lesser crimes in order clutch pearls in a fit of fake outrage.

Rational Individual: "Hey man why are you so upset about Jan 6 when trump supporters only walked into a building waved American flags and broke a bench but BLM did 2 billion dollars of damages over 200 days and Kamala Harris encouraged them and Bailed out rioters ?

Brainwashed CNN Zombie: "That's whataboutism, we had to make up a fictional word to conceal and ignore and excuse our hypocrisy.

Rational Individual: " Oh I get it , you had to do this because there is no word that in the English language that exists that severs this function, as there shouldn't be!"
white privilege

by Kid Gruesome October 30, 2021

14👍 13👎


Whataboutism- a made up word used to try to excuse democrats for any-and-everything negative that they have done in an attempt not to take any responsibility for their blatant hypocrisy while simultaneously attack their political opponents for lesser crimes in order clutch pearls in a fit of fake outrage.

Rational Individual: "Hey man why are you so upset about Jan 6 when trump supporters only walked into a building waved American flags and broke a bench but BLM did 2 billion dollars of damages over 200 days and Kamala Harris encouraged them and Bailed out rioters ?

Brainwashed CNN Zombie: "That's whataboutism, we had to make up a fictional word to conceal and ignore and excuse our hypocrisy.

Rational Individual: " Oh I get it , you had to do this because there is no word that in the English language that exists that severs this function, as there shouldn't be!"
black fragility

by Kid Gruesome October 30, 2021

4👍 4👎


a made up word used to try to excuse democrats for any-and-everything negative that they have done in an attempt not to take any responsibility for their blatant hypocrisy while simultaneously attack their political opponents for lesser crimes in order clutch pearls in a fit of fake outrage to push their political agenda.

ex 1

Rational Individual: "Hey man why are you so upset about Jan 6 when trump supporters only walked into a building waved American flags and broke a single bench but BLM did 2 billion dollars of damages over 200 days and Kamala Harris encouraged them and Bailed out rioters ?

Brainwashed CNN Zombie: "That's whataboutism, we had to make up a fictional word to conceal, and excuse our hypocrisy.

Rational Individual: " Oh You had to do this because there is no word in the English language that exists that severs this function-
if trump supporters would have burned some cars it would have been deemed a peaceful protest!"

Son : Dad

"Why when George George Floyd was killed was there so much outrage even though he was arrested like 50 times and he Pointed a gun at a pregnant Black women's abdomen while his homies ransacked her house during a home invasion?"

But then when Ashli Babbitt- a war veteran who served in Iraq- was protesting in a public office (the office of the people) against election fraud was gunned down like an animal though and the media ignored it even though she had no criminal record?"

Father: "Thats whataboutism Son,we live in a communist hellhole where the media controls peoples minds like zombies because they are weakminded, susceptible to brainwashing and propaganda so they elected a geriatric dementia patient into the white house due to their Trump Derangement Syndrome."
Son: "Thanks Dad, I feel alot Better!"
Dad: "Good Night Son!"

by Kid Gruesome October 30, 2021

6👍 13👎


A fictional word, not found in any dictionary that was created sometime in the 2010s as a transparent attempt to ignore, excuse, and deflect blatant hypocrisy and valid criticism.

There was no magic word in the English language that supported such a cause( and rightly so)Because hypocrisy should be brought to attention and abolished instead of making double standards for different groups of people.
Thus Whataboutism was created so political parties could endeavor to attack their political rivals, when they themselves have done things way worse while absolving themselves of their treachery.

Sane Person: "why are you upset about Jan 6 when Trump supporters walked into a building, and then left, but BLM did 2 billion dollars of damages and Kamala Harris funded domestic terrorism by Bailing out rioters?"

Liberal: "That's whataboutism.

SP:" You made up a word because there was no word in the English language to deflect blatant hypocrisy, considering hypocrisy should be denounced!
Trump supporters did not burn any cars, police stations like BLM and Antifa, so it is not a peaceful protest!"

L: "Violence is acceptable if it comes from the left, but if conservatives simply walk into a building, we detain them indefinitely so we can clutch our pearls in a fit of fake outrage here in Clown World."

Son :
When George Floyd was killed why was there such outrage even though he was an actual piece of shit.
He was arrested like 50 times and Pointed a gun at a pregnant black women's abdomen while his homies ransacked her house during a home invasion?
But when Ashli Babbitt was protesting in a public office against election fraud, she was gunned down and the media called her a terrorist even though she was unarmed, had no criminal record and was an actual war hero?"

Dad: "That's whataboutism
Liberals are susceptible to brainwashing and propaganda and the indisputable proof is the fact that they elected a geriatric dementia patient into The White House due to their Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The Left can commit acts of violence due to mind control and indoctrination!"

by Kid Gruesome November 1, 2021

3👍 6👎