An shallow atheistic "religion" that is a facade of pretentious moral subjectivism, mixing anti-christian and pagan imagery with a watered-down version of the philosophies of Nietzsche and the Marquis de Sade, that appeals largely to angry teenagers, Black Metal bands, and those who want to rebell against the percieved hypocrisy of religion and morality to justify their own selfishness.
Using Satanism to attack Christianity is like using Darth Vader to attack Star Wars. All you're disagreeing with is who wins in the end. It's stupid.
105π 242π
An earned, unspoken, and continual agreement between two individuals that should never, under any circumstances, be initiated out of or confused for love.
Trust friends if they are dead, and lovers never.
48π 25π
The lack of a belief in the existence of a god or gods. This usually also means a lack in a belief in an afterlife, the soul, the supernatural, or any sort of ultimate reality outside of the physical one.
For the atheist, reality is limited to reductionist empiricism, morals are usually relative or determined by the rules of conduct that make civilization possible, life is it's own purpose, and the truth or falsity of religious beliefs is apparently subject to evidence (though there are no specifications as to what these are).
Athesim is not, despite many claims here, the default belief of all life or humanity at birth. To say that babies and animals are atheists is silly simply because we cannot ask them, and some indeed even argue that they are aware of the presence of "god" within them. Also, the fact that nearly every culture around the globe has, in some form or another, developed some mode of religious belief goes to show that religion is a much deeper part of the human experience than this particualr brand of atheism will admit.
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That which motivates the will.
"Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves." -- Gene Fowler
30π 29π
A condition, usually mental, that prevents life's natural flow.
The constipated computer I was working on was so slow it prevented me from sending the email.
10π 57π
Disguised autobiography.
All fiction is at least partially autobiographical, and all autobiography is at least partially fiction.
58π 37π
A religion afraid to have beliefs, rituals, or tenets.
Unitarian Universalism is a religion to the same extent that eating fish and chicken is a vegetarian practice.
56π 328π