People who think that think any day is good for Halloween, and don't leave you alone even if you give them candy.
That's the same stupid ghost costume you wore last year! Try something a little more original this time!
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Alternate (and more appropriate) spelling of the Blizzard game Diablo.
As far as RPGs go, Diablow is about as close as you can come to having absolutely nothing and yet a viable commercial product. It's synthetic food with no calories, no fat, no sugar, and no vitamins, but it comes in an attractive package and is chewable.
33π 24π
A deterministic philosophy used to justify selfish extremes and deny responsibility for personal actions, even if they bring harm to others. Those who are evil almost always rationalize their actions and often despise the terms "good" and "evil" because it is much easier to deny moral absolutes than it is to acknowledge them.
Theologically speaking, evil is said to be the absence of good, or more specifically mans isolation from God, brought about not through Gods will but mankinds own doing.
Human beings are not black and white, but good and evil are.
493π 217π
A reply preferable to being ignored.
A simple "Fuck Off" would have been wonderful, but not replying to me was more cruel than anything she could have possibly said.
43π 29π
That time in the future in which you will eventually find love, happiness and financial security, which you wait for indefinitely.
Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get a girlfriend someday. Just don't ask me what my assumption is based upon and stop following me.
76π 20π
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion." --Henry Steele
729π 122π
The fate of many female newborns in China.
In the Us, one of the two forms of murder legal in the US, considering that a baby born prematurely would be fully protected by the law, while inside the womb it could be aborted.
You aren't a life unless I say you are! Infanticide? Nonsense, you can't murder a piece of tissue.
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