Source Code


A statistic that means a lot less than you think it does, but is useful in arguments if you want to sound right.

There is a correlation between ice cream sales and drowning. Therefore, the consumption of ice cream should be considered a public danger.

by Killing Kittens May 19, 2009

67πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Too Drunk

When the hamster begins to look good.

When the French guy said, "You're mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" he was probably implying that Arthur's father was too drunk one critical night.

by Killing Kittens January 11, 2006

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Someone who has no concept of personal identity apart from how it relates to outdated ideas about race and ethnicity, and believes that these factors are somehow crucial. Of course, the term "race" is of little important genetic value, and pure races have existed either in history or prehistory, but don't tell them that.

Despite the idiotic nature of these backwards beliefs, Nationalists can be quite intelligent and back up their views with erroneous facts to support them. These are Darwinian and/or Nietzscheian in flavor.

Nationalism is a foolish, immoral, and dangerous ideology.

by Killing Kittens May 17, 2005

137πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


A movie monster that is supposed to be some sort of radioactive dinosaur but in reality has all the qualities of a giant newt, including amphibious habits, a slow and clumsy gait, a cute face, and the ability to regenerate.

The original Godzilla film, which was originally entitled Gojira in native Japan, was a cheesy, exploitative B-grade movie with an iron-fisted and rather pedestrian attempt at social commentary. It was followed by 26 redundant and largely unimganative sequels, a terrible American remake, and countless fans who somehow think that this was a better example of the craft of movie-making and artistic siginificance than "King Kong" (1933).

Do you want to watch a truly horrifying movie that is a warning about nuclear warfare? Watch "The Day After" (1983). Godzilla is pure escapism.

by Killing Kittens July 18, 2006

22πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Motion Picture Assosciation of America. An organization that believes it can universalize standards of morality and appropriateness in the social production of film, claiming, of course to have the best interests of the youth of America in mind. Thus it exists in place of parents, rendering the NC-17 rating useless (due to assosciations with porn) but hypocritically using the R rating as a junkbasket and thus proving that theaters rely on audience members under 17 to see R-rated films.

And it is also important to add that the MPAA is a great moral teacher, proving to everyone that nudity and sexuality are more harmful to young people than depictions of graphic violence. A beating, beheading, disembowelment, immolation, crucifixion, dismemberment? No problem! But catch a brief glimpse of a breast or a patch of pubic hair? Pornography!

Where would America be without the MPAA?

Thus the erect male member may become the last taboo of cinema censorship, although why tumescence is considered more of a threat to a nation's well-being than the numerous examples of stomach-churning violence, destruction and misogyny that are allowed on screens remains a mystery. --Allan Hunter, "Book of Movie Classics"

by Killing Kittens May 19, 2004

741πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


The last thing a woman wants a man to be, yet, because she does not know herself, hypocritically claims to be looking for.

Women have never, ever liked sensitive guys, unless they are also assholes.

by Killing Kittens March 31, 2005

346πŸ‘ 423πŸ‘Ž

hate crime

Setting fire to a synagouge. See also arson.

Hate crimes still, unfortunately, occur.

by Killing Kittens June 22, 2005

18πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž