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disgruntled employee

Someone who is shit on and ultimately will go fucking insane. at the workplace, this person is usually withdrawn and very quiet. but little do you know, this person hates everyone and everything at his workplace and is one unhappy mother fucker. his is imprisoned to his job and cannot leave his job security due to finicial responsibilities, drug habits, kids etc. so when kept in the 9-5pm cage he plots and plans how he will go off on the next shit talkin mother fucker. a disgruntled employee, usually steals stuff from his workplace according to his " fuck or be fucked" motto or fuck the company before they fuck you. a great example of a disgruntled employee, if you watch DISTURBED'S VOICES music video. Disgruntled employees are highly dangerous no matter what they look like or how big or small they are. leave them alone in the best interest of your safety.

John walks in to the corporate office with headphones on, on his way to his cubicle.(you can hear blasting on his headphones) "let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the, (2 cymbal clashes) FFFFLLLLLOOOOORRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" ted the newly promoted district manager smirks at john. john then grabs ted by the shirt and punches him in the face and knocks him out. and continues to ruin and break shit as he's beating the shit out of people. he makes it to his cubicle and starts his accounting work as people stare at him. now thats a disgruntled employee!

by Killioughtta December 4, 2005

289πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

Carlos Mencia

Condradicting racist. can be seen on the horrible network comedy central. he even nicknamed himself "the punisher". who nicknames their self. honestly? should not be in america, because he is anti american and opposes everything we stand for. has no original material and mimicks the black comedian racist behavior. if i ever meet this mother fucker, he will get the ever lovin shit beat out of him.

beaner this, beaner that, whitie sucks look at me im carlos mencia my people are so oppressed.im not a racist you cracker!

by Killioughtta October 30, 2005

183πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


1.the feeling you get when your so pissed off, that you feel you are more powerful than god and hell that no one can take you, fuck with you, kick your ass, the most highest level of adrenaline rush where any common sense or sense of consequence is eliminated for a short period of time. this is especially a dangerous time to fuck with someone. at this point, it, it is momentarily believed that you are invincible and immortal hence "Invincimmortal".

2. a feeling gamers get when they are on a non-stop winning streak an kills all opponents in the game or in 2 player mode, knows he has more skill than his opponent or friend, and continuily kicks the shit out of all who opposes him.

3. entering in both unlimited lives and unlimited health in first person shooters. example, turok 2, you can become invincible and immortal by entering in the big cheat and enabling the unlimited lives unlimited health cheat option.

after being pushed around, john in a fit of rage, became Invincimmortal and beat the shit out of 5 bullies simutaneouly.

adam is such an asshole he is Invincimmortal at goldeneye multiplayer and never lets me win!!!

dude, if you play turok 2 Invincimmortal, you have no skill at the game and play that way just because you dont like challenges.

by Killioughtta December 4, 2005

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Wide open throttle. Push your gas pedal to the floor or twist a grip fully too get W.O.T

Push the gas pedal down to the floor so you can get W.O.T.

by Killioughtta February 25, 2006

80πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

10,000 days

Killer new Tool album. Give it a few listens, before
making a judgement. Best songs are listed below.

1. All of them. (except for the filler in between song tracks)

27.40 years.

Vicarious, Jambi, Wings pt1 and 10,000 days, the pot. Are very awesome songs. Some songs take a long time to get going. Be open minded.

by Killioughtta May 3, 2006

103πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A recipricating machine consiting of eight cylinders in the "V" configuration,introduced in the 30's more efficient V8's are introduced with every generation. Pre 1975 V8's were high compression engines that could run 115 octane gas and produce 3-400 ft lbs of torque and 3-400 horsepower.Post 1975 V8's were low compression engines that ran on lower octane unleaded fuel and were less powerfull but didnt disperse as much lead into the air. In the recent generation V8's that utilize fuel injection are more effiecent combusting devices and still produce sufficient power. As the 2000's lead on smaller displacement V8's are more powerful than previous big displacement engines. Computer modules help effientcy of V8's (and any other engine) with emissions,gas mileage, and constant performance. Ignorant people tend to say " look under the hood of your 2005 dodge hemi so many wires and computer bullshit that means more problems compare it to my 67' bronco 302 it has starer wires and a gas line it is so much more relible.screw all of that computer shit" they say this because not only do they not know anything about a car or how to fix one, they do not realize the fact that if older cars were so good then how come carboraters still arent around on cars? how come we still arent producing the model T? oh wait a minute its called TECHNOLOGY and efficientcy. Most other ignorant people tend to think V8's should stop production because the are "gas hogs" if thats the case lets put a 1.5 4 banger in 1 ton trucks. Take a look at the 5.7 litre dodge hemi with MDS (multiple displacement system)
it has the potential of 20 + mpg and still has awesome power. its because in low rpm situations such as highway driving, lower oil pressure shuts down eight hydralic lifters shutting down 4 cylinders which has a great benifit for gas mileage. its good on gas and is a powerful monster. most rice burner wiggers tend to think 1.5 litre 4 cyl motors with a lot of juice can win any race. but its all aftermarket add on bullshit.take a jeep WK with a hemi and it would beat the shit out of a honda civic. hell a jeep WJ with a 4.7 cant beat the shit out of a honda civic 4 banger. Excuse me a jeep XJ with a 4.0 litre I-6 can beat any rice burner on the street. a hemi is more powerful out of the box than any supra. period.

WIGGER: dawg if i put $5000 worth of nitrous in my car it will have power.
MECHANIC:your car isnt designed for speed or power. its ment to get 40 mpg. you'll burn holes in your pistons.
it ill void your warranty and your parents will be pissed that you fucked there car up
WIGGER:screw you dealership im goin to johnny independant
to get my work done and go back several times because my car is still broke V8's suck!

by Killioughtta October 16, 2005

103πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


An MTV produced suburban teenie bopper who see's nothing but rap on "music television" and is force fed subliminal messages from the modern pop culture and is compelled to act black because thats what it takes to be liked or to get laid.You can see the characteristics of this person by large clothing horrible taste in music flashy ear piercings and jewelry also seen in summer time wearing winter sports jackets.This mtv experiment gone bad goes through many stages in its creation.
1. in middle school, its a skater and likes whiney pop "punk" music.
2.early high school, evolves into the wannabe nigger. changes its speech to ignorant chants like "dawg" "son" "tight" "sick"
this stage attracts the female side of wiggerism through the "phat" lyrics of the horrendus rap "music". the female form is compelled to dress like an absolute whore, and to be a "hoe" and sucks the dick of everyone and everything. the female version soon realizes that the wigger is not a real nigger, so they leech on real niggers to conform to the set standards of mtv and pop culture.
3. upperclass part of high school, this is the testing part of wiggerism. this is where the wigger stays a wigger until graduation, or becomes a "stoner" which brings us to the last stage of wiggerism.
4.STONERISM. this is a further evolved form of wiggerism but its infection has consumed any last hope of maturity or common sense. they start to listen to the greatful dead and wear tie die and trash for clothing. this is the burnt out evolved form of wiggerism. the horrendous rap "music" is still listened to, to get further instructions on what to do next.

suburbia, a place of the most dangerous gang violence. to blend in with the army of wiggers it is nessacary to put up a flag of homosexuallity. this is seen by wiggers wearing the pance below their asses.and their shirt is convenitly above their belt so that their sign can be see. this is the sign of easy entry and an easy bitch to obtain.

by Killioughtta October 30, 2005

69πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž