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Someone who insults the opposing party to get votes

Man 1: Republicans are awful!
Man 2: You're a democrat

by Kim Jong-Ill May 12, 2020

92πŸ‘ 423πŸ‘Ž

Car whiner

A car whiner is usually found on Reddit (mainly r/UrbanHell)
Car whiners constantly complain about american architecture, specifically the interstate system. They always complain about how cars are bad for everyone and love liberal cities such as Seattle or Toronto for using public transit

Man 1: I hate cars, public transit 4 life
Man 2: Public transit is dirty and filled with homeless people, stfu Car whiner

by Kim Jong-Ill January 2, 2021

Negros Island

N. The 4th largest Island in the Philippines. Home to 5 Million people.
V. The best way to get banned from a Discord server, then getting unbanned, causing everyone thinking its so funny because its actually real and it's the n word.

My friend was banned from this discord server for saying Negros Island, where his parents are from. He is unbanned now and Negros Island is a meme.

by Kim Jong-Ill April 22, 2020

9πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


The year where cars from 2021 will be released

man 1: bruh my car is from 1994 maybe i should get a new one
man 2: its 2020, maybe you should get generic brand 2021 model

by Kim Jong-Ill June 23, 2020

1πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


probably the only religion that r/atheism ignores

redditor: look how bad christianity is!!
person: what about islam
redditor: whats that

by Kim Jong-Ill September 18, 2020

42πŸ‘ 302πŸ‘Ž

Blue Danube

When you have been looking for the name of a certain song for a very long time then you finally find it.

Person 1: I just found out the name to this cool electro beat!
Person 2: Not much of an interesting blue danube moment

by Kim Jong-Ill May 12, 2020

1πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


Congratulations. You literally have nothing else to do in life rather than search up the letter a. Impressive.

person 1: a
person 2: a a

by Kim Jong-Ill June 22, 2020

2πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž