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A He-She that has very large eyeballs. It were usually Suspenders or a Refferie shirt. Acid-Man usually preys on Twelve to Thirteen year old girls and "Diss's" young boy's around the same age to protect it's prey for later. An Acid-Man will usually gel up its hair like Pualy D and works for Bar/Batmitsvah companies.

Bill: That He-She over there wearing suspendors is flirting with those 12 year old girls. He has gelled hair big eyes and just totally dissed me whats that called Eric?

Eric: An Acid-Man

by King Casket April 19, 2011

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The act of two dinosaures having sex in a public area while wearing cowboy hats, sombraro's or holding captain Feather Swords, feather sword (wearing all three objects and the same time is not considered Rigetöriom).

A Tiranosaures Rex and a Velocerapter were having Rigetöriom.

Jim: A T-rex wearing a cowboy hat and a Velocerapter with a feather sword a having sex in the park, whats that called Bill?
Bill: Rigetöriom

by King Casket February 8, 2011