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I am the guy who plays supercell games and Langrisser. I am also called AlienCatcher07 or ZeroMan0 in Identity V.
Name yourself with this username to give me support if I see you! Yeah, so accept this definition would you please?

Qwerty12 is a friendly gamer which sometimes rage quits

by King D with double R May 18, 2020

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Handsome Useful Smart But At Night Dangerous. Cuz he might try to fuck you up or cheat on you.

Wife 1: My husband is the best!
Wife 2: WAIT, Isn't that H.U.S.B.A.N.D mine?!?!?

by King D with double R May 18, 2020

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sdrawkcab kaeps

asking someone to speak backwards giving the ultimate reverse card effect while saying that. This would make the person shut up. If not, ask the person to search this on the urban dictionary.

A : you are a !@#$%%^&*
B : sdrawkcab kaeps *effect*

by King D with double R May 12, 2020

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Detergent powder

used for washing clothes. However more commonly known as white powder or cocaine. Buy it from your local drug dealer now popularly sold in detergent bottles! Buy now!

Drug Dealer: Hey dude, get some Tide?
Cheapskate Drug addict: ErҀ¦. no thanks. Im not the regular, but if those Detergent powder are free samples, feel free to let me know!

by King D with double R May 19, 2020

uno nay thee

Most powerful comeback in the universe. The reverse of all reversese.

Thanos : *snap*
Iron man : UNO Nay Thee
*Big changes*

by King D with double R May 14, 2020

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Who is awake now?

this is to be said when it is midnight into a group chat. this helps to attract attention and make people start texting. this annoys some people asking us people to shut up. Use the word uno nay thee or sdrawkcab kaeps or any other word that can flip the damned friggin universe upside down to shut them up.

You: Who is awake now?
Annoying guy: Shut your ass up!
Everyone: starts flooding a spamming the chat with messages

by King D with double R May 18, 2020


when a girl says that too you, she might be wanting you rape or harass you sexually lmfao idk jesus christ.
or she might just want to get friendly with you in a shy manner.

Girl: Sowwy, I missed the game date today.....UwU
You: :) its ok, unless YOU WANT TO MAKE IT UP...Ҁ¦. HEHEHEHE

by King D with double R May 18, 2020

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