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To call something into existence good or bad before the action actually occurred
Originally started as a curse or form of bad luck but nowadays is referred to “saying it was going to happen” before it did

1)Josh: We going to be late !!
Alex: If you we leave right now we’ll be at the party by 9:30
*Shows up exactly at 9:30*
Josh: you jinxed it bro

2) “I hope we don’t get pulled over today because I don’t got a driver license “
*Proceeds to get pulled over that day and gets a ticket*
“I just damn jinxed myself”

by King Fazo June 14, 2022


To call something into existence before it happens
(Used to be referred as bad luck or a curse back then but now is more frequently used as “calling it “ before it occurs

Josh: We are going to be late to the party!
Alex: If we leave right now we should get there by 9:30 still
*arrives at party as exactly 9:30*
Josh: You jinxed it bro lol

“I hope I don’t get pulled over today because i still don’t have a license”
*proceeds to get pulled over and gets a ticket*
“ I just had to jinx myself”

by King Fazo June 14, 2022