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There Y'ar!

Used as a demeaning/provoking greating to strangers or good friends. coined by the infamous J.Laroque

There Y'ar! may also accompany other expressions such as "Tramp" or "XL" or "Jumpo"

by King Snail Trail May 18, 2004

4👍 2👎


Can be used as an adjective, a noun, a verb when you wish to appear to have an IQ below 90. Used at nauseam by the Great Reznet Lauchim

"That song's Beauty"
as an acknowledgment "Beauty Beauty!"
"Let's Beauty that up!"
"That sounds Beauty to me!"
"Now that was a Beauty!"
"Do you know where Beauty went?"
as a threat- "Buddy I'll Beauty you up real bad!"
"Hell, ya we Beautied all night long!"

by King Snail Trail June 6, 2004

15👍 36👎