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To steal. To rip off. To let a friend down.

"That guy just fleeced that guys jacket", "The bartender charged me $7.00 for that beer. What a fleece!", "Jobo didn't show up. He fleeced us again".

by King Vic September 24, 2014

134👍 7👎

Three streets in Chicago that rhyme with vagina

Paulina, Malvina and Lunt

Name three streets in Chicago that rhyme with Vagina.

Ok. Paulina, Malvina and Lunt.


by King Vic July 11, 2008

154👍 35👎

sackal area

The groin. Can also be referred to as groinal area.

Owww! damn! I caught that one right in my sackal area!

by King Vic June 3, 2008

117👍 9👎