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For a group of friends to verbally abuse a newly met person for no apparent reason other than for fun.

A good gringoing can last for days if not weeks.

Please note this is not to be confused with being two faced, as this is for pure comedic reasons.

Also note after you have participated in a gringoing session a total lack of respect between the gringoed and the gringoing will ensure. Often leading to snigering upon the next meeting.

D.w: "I met a nice group of guys at a party today"
Guy 1:"d.w is a twat"
Guy 2: "what a bellend"
All guys: "what a prick"

2 days and loads of jokes later

Guys: "I can never look at d.w again with out laughing"
"Well gringoed boys"

by Kingrudos July 17, 2018