A word used to describe a person as very silly, idiotic, or senseless.
Friend: Hey, look! I found a five dollar bill on the ground! Maybe I can go with my family and buy them dinner.
You: Wow, you're really such a noot.
A popular ship name based on Mewth x Flufi from a newer anime in the works called "Exiled".
"I definitely ship Mewfi!"
A slightly less insulting word used to describe someone as very upset or mad.
Boy: I can't believe we lost the game! I'm so mad.
Grandma: Don't worry, a think a nice, warm dinner will cheer you up.
Boy: No, I don't want to eat.
Grandma: Now, don't be such a saltface!
An old, rather forgotten word used to describe a person or event as unique or extraordinary.
"After that, the man at the table suddenly got up, pulled a gun out of his shirt pocket, and shot it up into the air, sending everyone running out of the cafe. It was quite the serphinguilous event, really."
A sarcastic way to express joy or pleasure, when truly your feeling the exact opposite.
Him: So what? We played a video game for four hours straight, and achieved nothing but a headache and a worthless achievement. Whoop Dee Doo.
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