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A word used to describe a person as very silly, idiotic, or senseless.

Friend: Hey, look! I found a five dollar bill on the ground! Maybe I can go with my family and buy them dinner.

You: Wow, you're really such a noot.

by KinoFire September 13, 2016


A popular ship name based on Mewth x Flufi from a newer anime in the works called "Exiled".

"I definitely ship Mewfi!"

by KinoFire June 20, 2017


A slightly less insulting word used to describe someone as very upset or mad.

Boy: I can't believe we lost the game! I'm so mad.
Grandma: Don't worry, a think a nice, warm dinner will cheer you up.
Boy: No, I don't want to eat.
Grandma: Now, don't be such a saltface!

by KinoFire September 13, 2016


An old, rather forgotten word used to describe a person or event as unique or extraordinary.

"After that, the man at the table suddenly got up, pulled a gun out of his shirt pocket, and shot it up into the air, sending everyone running out of the cafe. It was quite the serphinguilous event, really."

by KinoFire September 21, 2016

Whoop Dee Doo

A sarcastic way to express joy or pleasure, when truly your feeling the exact opposite.

Him: So what? We played a video game for four hours straight, and achieved nothing but a headache and a worthless achievement. Whoop Dee Doo.

by KinoFire September 13, 2016

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