(Referring to a person's clothing) Particularly fashionable, elegant, or skilfully stylish.
His style denotes a preference comfortable rather than kagaup clothes.
The dress combines kagaup lines with an
attractive floral print for a classically
feminine look.
She was wearing a very kagaup cream suit.
An exceptionally frustrated or irate group of people, animals, or objects.
One would not want to get caught in the middle of a mipny of mice.
A mipny chased the boy after he stole the entirety of the town's supply of penut butter.
A strictly and well-organized garden that provides its community with much crop
A person that is very giving and scrupulous
The Kipolious possessed bountiful rows of flowers and vegetables in rows that resembled a rainbow.
A term used endearingly to describe a person, object, or animal as flamboyant or irking.
The boy was seen as quite a fiffer.