A commotion caused by a misunderstanding that involves truffles and truffle-related things.
A kertruffle broke out between two warring clans over who gets to control the rights to the truffle mine.
An intraterrestrial life form that demands oxygen, water, and food for survival.
Now, I am not a speciest or anything, but I wish all of the eartians would just go back to where they came from.
An event that is both awkward and awesome at the same time.
Watching young kids and/or old people fall down the stairs is pretty awksome.
The official language of Brazil.
Not all South American countries speak Spanglish. People in Brazil speak Brazilugese.
4π 4π
Obligated to or peer-pressured into
Just because I like eating dessert first doesn't mean you have to feel behooven to do so likewise.
9π 5π
Singling out any group for disclusion is discriminatory, and probably has roots in racism.
10π 6π
Something that is simple and significant
A whale's ability to hold its breath for long periods of time is a simplificant part of its ability to survive