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The name of a girl who is funny, immature but very wise at the same time, and loves to roast people whilst having a laugh with her closest pals. Everyone thinks she is very awkward and shy, but really she just needs a bit of encouragement to step out of her comfort zone and socialise. Surprisingly, she is an extrovert by nature (as you find out when you get to know her), but can appear quiet at first which is far from her true personality. Even though she is not perfect she tries her best to be kind and caring. However, she can be quite impatient at times. Everyone who gets to know Anusha or has the opportunity to talk to her multiple times will know what a hilarious and bubbly girl Anusha is. Don’t be confused though, because if you upset Anusha, nothing will stop her from cutting you out of her life. She is very gentle unless if you behave towards her in a toxic manner. She likes people to know that she will not tolerate that. Anusha also loves to diss everyone in her path, even if it is behind their backs! This is not necessarily a good thing but it can be quite entertaining tbh.

The name Anusha means Goddess or Beautiful morning (sunrise)

by KittyKatOffTheBat July 24, 2018

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