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A timeline defined by the lifespans Internet memes and phenomena. Greatly accelerated compared to realtime due to the short duration of most memes.

Man, I remember when cat macros started. I'm pretty old in memetime.

by Kiwi 2.0 June 7, 2007

32👍 5👎


Acronym. "Borked out of box." Refers to an item or product, most usually something technological (e.g., flash drive, hard drive, etc.) that is broken/non-functional from the moment you open the box. Ergo, it is borked out of box.

"The goddamn thing is BOOB!"
"Uh, what?"
"It's a flash drive, man."
"No, dude--borked out of box! Shit's broken!"
"Ohhh okay."

by Kiwi 2.0 January 7, 2008

31👍 28👎