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So you wanna know what it means, au?

The word 'Au' Originally comes from the Maori Languge (of New Zealand) meaning 'friend' or something similair.

It's used at the end of any/every scentance to round it off...usually used by "New Zealand Gangsta's"

WCC Member1:Where the fuck have you been, au!
WCC Member 2:I just been wit my missus- mind your own business, cunt. You got some cock to talk to me like that, au.

by Kiwi-Babe September 15, 2005

58👍 72👎


Your Missus can be either your Girl-friend/Wife
usually girl-friend belonging to a teenaged or a guy in his early 20's

Rongo: "I seen you gettin' jiggy wit your missus!"
Jack: "Fuck, leave my missus outta this, au."

by Kiwi-Babe September 15, 2005

418👍 168👎