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Kiwishine is a type of shiny brown shoe polish to give hairless indians that terrific shine that reflects all light that comes into contact of affected area. This will work well if you are indian and you gamble in hair.

To raid gay bars, the pillager applied some kiwishine onto his smooth, satisfying head to blind all of those around him with the terrific shine.

by KiwiShine December 28, 2021

Mr Iverach

"Pillay, my counterpart is my friend, my saviour. 'e got me here in this horrendous gulag full o' boys after suffering with him in the darks in South India. Called the ~mad scientist~ or such bullshit like that by my fellow rivals, many mortals struggle to understand that I'm a supernatural. In the near future, I hope to be given the honour of shining the Malteser, a ritual performed every year in the 'Festival of the Dark'. That's it, really"

No words can describe a god like Mr Iverach.

by KiwiShine April 30, 2021