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Squad enhancer. When you don't really fw someone in your squad but you keep them around for various reasons like, them being popular, just an addon, or that they cool with someone else.

Guy: Why is Isiah even part of the squad
Guy #2: He just a Squancer cause nobody else fuck with him.

by Klapping with Kermit March 21, 2016


1) to feel "in the middle. You're not extremely happy or sad, in the middle.
2) Moderate, not

1) "What's up?" Nm just boolin, highkey temperate

2) That test was hella hard. I think I failed." "Nah, to me it was kinda temperate"

by Klapping with Kermit September 24, 2016

4👍 2👎

Bop bops

1) Being able to fight extremely well and be able to step anyone.

2) Synonym for having them "hands"

"So I hear GiGi was saying she was gonna sneak you at lunch."
"Girl I'm not even worried because she can get these bop bops"

by Klapping with Kermit February 8, 2017