The name of Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko who impertinently reigns in Belarus since 1994 to 2020, and in 2k20 ignore the Covid, set in prison almost all opponents before elections and rest of them - after elections, then declared 80% "for him" votes as official results.
Plesh is the little rest of hair on the head that symbolised the old age commonly, and the old age of Lukashenko particularly.
- What?? I Have to pay taxes for that i have no job?? Whattaphuck?!?! When this Old Plesh will get retired????
- What the election result of Belarus in 2020?What says officials?
-80% for Old Plesh..
-OMG, it's the holy lie!
The word of approval. The first meaning is "beautiful person", that means the beaty of the beahvior and ect. When somebody say that did or made something, the approve of this actions in meaning "yes, u made it right!" u may say this phrase.also is used with adjective 'absolutely', e.g. absolutely krasawa!
The full meaning is "clever boy"
- i think that Vodkaless Beer is waste of money
- Krasawa!
The larva of fly. In Russia and postUSSR world fly's larvas used for fishing as alternative of worms. And "oparishes" can be bought in any special fishing or men's shops.
Also as for joke kids oparishes can be hiddene somewhere, and in time the flies will appear in this place
The colloquial figurative meaning is the name of "person who not clean"
-Let's go fishing!
-Ok, but before buy some bottles of oparishes
-Dats rite!
-What's the dirty placy of yours!!! YOU ARE OPARISH!
Zombo means here connection with zombies and dumbing, hypnotised. Yashik is conversational word for "TV setbox" ,just "box". In Russia, people call the TV Box as "Zomboyashik" when want to say that if you watch tv much time, you became stupid person, because the shows are very dumb there and like only for fools.
Parents like to say to their kids to power off the TV Set with such name of the TV Box.
- Hey, son, enough to watch TV!! Go read books, be clever boy! Turn off this Zombo yashik!
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The Best medicine for CoVid in opinion of Old Plesh (Alexander Lukashenko) .
Bannya is a national bath-house, where people washing in high hot temperatures. Nowadays in Belarus, Russia and Slavs countries Bannya is commonly atribute of village people, because often is the one traditionay way to clean up.
The Lukashenko meant that village people dont get the CovId coz they have no time to think about it, and laughing saying add that "village people use their's vodka,tractor and bannya".
such manner of saying tells his attitude to t he village people: who only rides on tractor (coz tractor is the property of state farm where village people works, but they have no in property the own car, or just have no time to ride their cars, coz all time they drink vodka and work), drink vodka much and wash only at bannya coz have no comfortables bath-room at home, coz their houses are old
Lukashenko: More often clean up the hands, have a meal in time. I'm not alcoholic, but joking latest time a little that by vodka not only clean the hands,but..drink also to poison the virus. But not at job! Chineese advice us that virus dies about +60 degrees centigrade...The pleasure is to watch TV:tractor people work, nobody know about viruses. Tractor heals everybody! Bannya, Vodka & Tractor!
Or just 3%ed - the nickname of Alexander Lukashenko, when in the network in different quizes , amateur online exit polls (coz Government banned fully making exit polls,fearing real result of Alex's popularity in society of Belarus) people found regularity in the number of collected percentages of supporting voters - 3 %.
Alex Lukashenko on contarary says that in real the supproting him citizens of Belarus near 80%, which was revealed on 2020 Belarusian Election in 9th of August.
- Why the roads are banned?
-See, a cortege of cars is going
-Who are going?
-OMG, once more time. Why he cant just sit in the President Palace?!
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The cottage cheese of the foreskin. It formed between foreskin and dickhead as result of unsanitary conditions, grubbiness. The rest of sperm, urine,wet of this genitals space make a conditions of creating the substances is simmilar to "young cottage cheese", but smell of it is very very terrible!
- OMG! i have to wash up, coz i've found at dickplace some podzalupni tvorojock ('dick cottage cheese') that soon became a Parmesan!