To give over to the task or activity at hand, diving in full bore and getting severe with it. When you harness in to something it is your only focus and you are driven to completion with efficiency and clarity. Harnessing in can be applied to anything from creative endeavours to handy work, or even something boring like sweeping the rug. Drugs and alcohol can help to eliminate mental barriers that block the harness but are not necessary. Harnessing in is required for all works of greatness but can damage relationships and mental stability if one is always harnessed in. A so called genius walks a fine line between madness and harness. Make sure to rest your harness for maximum effect.
Kyle: Hey Fart Neck, are you coming over to make pea soup for my stupid family?
Fart Neck: You bet, just getting ready to harness in. Did you take you bone medication?
Kyle: Yeah I'm fit as a fiddle doing prep work, harnessed in AF buddy
Fart Neck: That's good
A large diaphragm of weaved cobras that can be applied for myriad uses. Most commonly a garment, blanket or a wriggling poultice for searing lower back pain. Some cobra weaves appear in the wild when a group of cobras gets tangled up but more commonly cobra weaves are made by hand. Sadly the cobra weave industry is being systematically replaced by machines called Cobraweave Brightstar 9's. There is a growing recession in Quebec due to the implementing of these machines. It was once the epicentre of the Cobra Weave industry in the capital city Cobra Land but now many are jobless due to the new Cobraweave Brightstar 9 factories overseas. Willie Nelson attributes his fame and fortune to his cherished lucky Cobra Weave he found in the Highlands of Quebec as a boy. After finding the Cobra Weave he picked up a guitar and started singing songs about Cobras and the rest is history. The Cobra Weave is a magical tool and should not be taken for granted.
Hey Dennis are you going to work today? Sorry Mr. Neck I lost my job at the Cobra Factory cuz they be makin' these Cobra Weaves by machine now. Sorry to hear that Dennis, would you like to meet my friend Dennis?
When you wash your fresh cobra meat off before the big Sunday night fry-up.
Hey Uncle Neck you there? Oh sorry Jafar I was too busy to listen to your story as I was at the sink making sure the fresh cobra meat is ready for the big Sunday night fry-up.
Oh no worries Uncle Neck, the Cobra Rinse is more important than my story about the time I forgot to do a Cobra Rinse and got Cobra Worms at the big Sunday night fry-up.
A vinegar and salt solution you dip your dick (cobra) in before soap and water to get it nice for your ol' lady.
Hey babe, make sure you use the cobra rinse this time. I couldn't handle that rotten cobra smell last time.