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No Doubt

One of the best freakin bands in the whole damn world. The lead singer is Gwen Stefani, who rocks, but she recently left the band to start a solo career (which sucks). They're kind of a mix between ska, punk, hip hop and alternative. No Doubt's music is the opposite and a million times better than any of the other pop crap on the radio(ex: Rihanna, Lady GaGa, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers...etc.). Supposedly they are doing a reunion tour, but that could be a rumor. You should all go to YouTube and watch some No Doubt vids. Cya later.

Example 1.
Me: Have you ever heard of the AMAZING band No Doubt?
Random person: No.
Me: Here's a CD, now go listen to them and then we can be friends.
Example 2
Me: Do you like No Doubt?
Random person: No they suck.
Me: Then you do too.


by KmacMuzikMafia121 February 1, 2009

48👍 19👎