Kevin, born into a Generation of the 70's, is the Male identifying equivalent form of a Karen, Maybe they're related, Who knows, All we Know is Kevin, aged 52, Married twice, divorced once with 2 kids and step-dad to 2 more, is the epitome of self-pity, no doubt Married to a Karen, or divorced one to marry another Karen... Kevin has a gross tendency to complain about the next generation not being hard workers. Or, in other cases, moans about how much respect "kids these days" don't have.. if American - Is most likely a Right Leaning Christian with "Strong Morale Values" that conflict with the true meaning of Equality and basically any Human Right..
Daniel: "Isn't your brother's name Kevin"
Owen: "Brother? Nah fam, not just his name, He IS a Kevin"
Daniel: "Fuck man.. Sorry to hear that"
Owen: "Nah man, I'm not Sorry, I'm sorry for their kids being raised by a Karen and a Kevin"
Daniel: "oh, fuuuuuuuck, that's so sad!!"